

Ana Mindog(アナ・ミンドッグ)先生

Ana Mindog(アナ・ミンドッグ)先生

みなさんこんにちは。私はアナ・ミンドッグです。私は子どものころから言葉に興味があり、大学では応用言語学を学びました( 2016 年にロンドン大学の修士課程を修了しました)。
私は 4 つの言葉を話します。母語以外の言葉が使えるのは楽しいことです。母語の異なる人々と話したり情報交換したり、いろいろなことを教えてもらうのができます。もちろん、外国語(英語)を習得するのは簡単ではありません。誰にとっても難しいことです。そのために大切なものは、学び続ける根気と辛抱強さだと私は思っています。

Hello, everyone! I am Ana Mindog. I have always been interested in languages. For this reason, I completed a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics at the University College London in 2016.

I can speak four languages. Being multilingual is fun. You can communicate, exchange information, and learn from different people who speak a different language. However, learning a foreign language like English is not always easy. It can be challenging for most people. To be successful in learning English, I think students must have perseverance and patience.

Perseverance is having the will power to continue doing something even when it is difficult. When your English lessons are easy, you probably enjoy them. You may also feel good about yourself. However, when they get difficult, you may feel frustrated. You should not give up. I think that you need to continue practicing English even when you are making a little progress. Practicing English everyday will help a lot in achieving your goal of being fluent.

Patience is also very important in being a successful English speaker. You need to be kind to yourself especially at times when you are not performing well. When you make mistakes, you should not feel bad. When people make mistakes, they learn. The more mistakes you make, the more opportunities for learning you create.

Let’s have fun practicing English together!